resistance and diabetes mellitus type-2
Insulin resistance has deleterious
consequences whenever it occurs chronically. Insulin resistance is a
disorder which
is currently not treated adequately. The reduced insulin sensitivitiy
of the body requires an enhanced release of insulin from the B cell of
the pancreas. Although hyperinsulinemia is an adaptive response, it has
various negative effects on organs which do not become insulin
After a prolonged
period of enhanced insulin release, the B cell of the pancreas loses
the ability to secrete insulin in amounts which can maintain normal
blood glucose levels. This marks the onset of diabetes mellitus type-2
which has previously been referred to as adult-onset diabetes. A marked
rise in the incidence of
diabetes type-2 has recently been observed in young persons of affluent
A sympathetic
overactivity is known to induce insulin resistance and the intriguing
possibility arises that it can initiate pathways finally leading to
diabetes type-2. Moxonidine acts early in the pathophysiological
cascade leading to diabetes. It is an often met misunderstanding that
moxonidine is just another antihypertensive drug. Rather moxonidine
improves insulin sensitivity and in addition has an antihypertensive